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Implementing mouseMoveEvent for qgraphicsObject to follow cursor

I have a Qt application with objects derived from QGraphicsObjcet that need to be movable in a scene. I know that I can use the flags for movement to achieve this.

myObject->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable); myObject->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable); myObject->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges);

but I am having an issue with the objects popping out of position when i use it. The only time when the objects move into an incorrect position is when an object I've moved is deleted and removed from the scene, the next time I try to move another object in the scene, its position relative to mouse Cursor is distorted until I release it and press it again. I realise that my problem could be occuring somewhere completely elsewhere in my code but from my own debugging I would at least want to try and implement the move functionality myself to solve this issue.

So my question is: How can you implement movable objects (derived from QGraphicsObject) that act as if the flags above are active?

I've been trying to use mouseMoveEvent but can't figure out how I get the objects to move with the cursor. Maybe I should look into DragMoveEvent instead? If possible, I would however really appreciate to see what the code for mouseMoveEvent below would look:

void myObject::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
// How do I get myObject to follow 
// the event pos in the scene from here?





  • I think something like this should do the trick (not tested):

    void myObject::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
    // Set the item position as the mouse position.
    // If your object (this) has no parent, then setPos() place it using scene coordinates, which is what you need here.

    With the code above, your object is going to follow the mouse untill the end of the world, so you probably want to combine it with a start/stop flag. And if your item has a parent, you are probably going to need to translate the coordinates.