I have a text file contains more than 5000 lines, each line has two words separated by colon eg( word1:word2 ) I need a script compares the (word1) with (word2) on each line if they exactly matched it saves the line as it in a new text file. Thank you in advance for your help
Just drag and drop your input file over this batch script and you will get a new file with the same word separated by a colon :
@echo off
Mode 70,3 & color 0A
Title Find lines have the similar words separated by a colon
set "ScriptName=%~nx0"
if "%~1"=="" goto error
echo Find lines have the similar words separated by a colon
Set "OutputFile=newfile.txt"
If exist "%OutputFile%" Del "%OutputFile%"
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ('Type %1') do (
If [%%a]==[%%b] echo %%a:%%b
Start "" "%OutputFile%" & Exit
Mode 70,5 & color 0C
echo( & echo(
echo You should drag and drop your file over "%ScriptName%"
Timeout /T 5 /nobreak>nul & exit