Need to calculate the average time a user spends on my site. Below is how we store each session against each unique uid.
Session status 1 means that the session is complete..and if it is 0 then the session is still active/user didn't logout.
Any suggestions on what approach to use?
rowid uid session createddatetime SessionStatus LastModifieddatetime LastAccesseddatetime
226636 22 D958DFC3 02-03-2018 11:41:56 1 02-03-2018 11:43:07 02-03-2018 11:41:56
226635 22 67AABA7B 02-03-2018 11:40:16 1 02-03-2018 11:40:55 02-03-2018 11:40:16
218830 5048 1E1D7790 26-02-2018 07:04:29 1 26-02-2018 07:04:53 26-02-2018 07:04:29
218829 5048 0EB86803 26-02-2018 07:02:54 0 NULL 26-02-2018 07:02:54
If I get it correctly, LastModifiedDate is the "logout" status, so:
SELECT UserID, AVG(Datediff("minute", LastAccessDateTime, LastModifiedDate))
FROM table
WHERE SessionStatus = 1