I am looking for label which can give me functionality to count down reverse timer. I know there are Timer available to to count down, but I want reverse count down with Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds like as following image.
Can anyone tell me how to implement this like as following image ?
Help will be appreciated. Thank You.
First you need to create an NSAttributedString
with your time format requeriments something like this
func timeLeftExtended(date:Date) ->NSAttributedString{
let cal = Calendar.current
let now = Date()
let calendarUnits:NSCalendar.Unit = [NSCalendar.Unit.day, NSCalendar.Unit.hour, NSCalendar.Unit.minute, NSCalendar.Unit.second]
let components = (cal as NSCalendar).components(calendarUnits, from: now, to: date, options: [])
let fullCountDownStr = "\(components.day!.description)d " + "\(components.hour!.description)h " + "\(components.minute!.description)m " + "\(components.second!.description)s "
let mutableStr = NSMutableAttributedString(string: fullCountDownStr, attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor:UIColor.white])
for (index,char) in mutableStr.string.enumerated()
if(char == "d" || char == "h" || char == "m" || char == "s")
mutableStr.removeAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor, range: NSMakeRange(index, 1))
mutableStr.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor : UIColor.lightGray], range: NSMakeRange(index, 1))
return mutableStr
After that you need to declare the label where you want to update your time left
@IBOutlet weak var lblTimeRemaining: UILabel!
And add a timer and a flag to know when your timer is working
fileprivate var timeWorking : Bool = false
var timer:Timer?
Here we setup our timer
func setupWith()
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateCountDown), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
self.timeWorking = true
This method will be executed 1 time every second to update our count
@objc func updateCountDown()
self.lblTimeRemaining.attributedText = self.timeLeftExtended(date:Date.distantFuture)