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c++ inheritance question

I have a question about this:

class A
  int a;
  int* pa;
   A(int i):a(i) , pa(new int(a))
      cout<<"A ctor"<<a<<endl;
      delete pa;
    int * &get()
     return pa;

class B : public A
     int b;
      B (A obj): A(obj) , b(0)
       cout<<"B ctor\n";
       cout<<"B dtor\n";

int main()
 int i = 23 ; 
 A* p = new B(i);

Can tell me why the last line in main compiles? I pass an int into B's constructor which expects an A object instead. I believe that the int is translated to an A in B's constructor, but why?

Thanks in advance.



  • Since you have not declared A constructor as explicit compiler is creating an anomymous instance of A using i and using it to initialize B instance. If you don't want the compiler to do these implicit conversions declare your costructor as explicit. Then you will get a compiler error.