I am trying to verify a page based on who logs in. Certain users have more security and will see more items on the page. When a user with lower security logs in, they will not see options. I need to verify those options are not present on the page.
I have a page object for the option that displays based on user security
testObject {$("#test")}
I have tried using isDisplayed()
boolean hidden = testObject.isDisplayed()
assert !hidden
But I keep getting an error that says
geb.error.RequiredPageContentNotPresent: The required page content geb.navigator.EmptyNavigator' is not present
The error message is what I want to verify. The object is not present, and I need to verify that is true and pass the test.
You want to use the required
option for your content element.
If the page is dynamic, maybe you also want to wait for a while before you let Geb decide that the element is empty. Checks for non-existence of elements can be tricky, because they could just pass because a dynamic element has not finished loading yet.
testObject(required: false, wait: 2) { $("#test") }
In your Geb test you just do this (no helper method needed):
def page = to MyPage