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Swift & Parse: Query Results Where Column Class Is Equal To A Column In Users Class

I have searched far and wide for an answer to this. In written English I'm trying to do the following:

Query results where the column "WorkGroup" in the "Issues" class is equal to the column "WorkGroup" in the "Users" class.

I tried countless things including; NotContainedIn, ObjectForKey, wherekey (matchesquery), includeKey, add pointers, etc.

let query = PFQuery(className: ISSUES_CLASS_NAME)
let now = Date()

query.whereKey(ISSUES_SUB_DATE, lessThanOrEqualTo: now)
query.whereKey(ISSUES_STATUS, notEqualTo: "Closed")
query.order(byDescending: ISSUES_SUB_DATE)

// Add Where Issues WorkGroup value = Users WorkGroup value.


  • let userQuery = PFUser.query();
    // Set up user query
    let issueQuery = PFQuery(className:"Issue");
    issueQuery.whereKey("WorkGroup", matchesKey:"WorkGroup", inQuery:userQuery);