I'm working on a project for class in which we have to build a parser. We're currently in the stage of building the parser in yacc. The thing currently confusing me is I've read that you need to assign a type to each nonterminal. In some cases though I'll have Something like:
%union {
Type dataType;
int integerConstant;
bool boolConstant;
char *stringConstant;
double doubleConstant;
char identifier[MaxIdentLen+1]; // +1 for terminating null
Decl *decl;
List<Decl*> *declList;
%token <identifier> T_Identifier
%token <stringConstant> T_StringConstant
%token <integerConstant> T_IntConstant
%token <doubleConstant> T_DoubleConstant
%token <boolConstant> T_BoolConstant
Expr : /* some rules */
| Constant { /* Need to figure out what to do here */ }
| /* some more rules */
Constant : T_IntConstant { $$=$1 }
| T_DoubleConstant { $$=$1 }
| T_BoolConstant { $$=$1 }
| T_StringConstant { $$=$1 }
| T_Null { $$=$1 }
How can you assing a type to expr since can't it sometimes be an integer or double, or bool, etc?
You can add the type in the rule by
TypesConstant : T_IntConstant { $<integerConstant>$=$1 }
| T_DoubleConstant { $<doubleConstant>$=$1 }
| ...
See https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/Action-Types.html#Action-Types for more details.