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Dismissing A ModalViewController With PageCurl

I've a modal view controller presented with page curl style. Everything works fine, but, if I click the page curled at top of the page, the modal view gets dismissed without any input.

Now, I could accept this behavior but I need to do some operation when it happens. How can I catch the event to do my stuff?


  • I assume you are talking about the half-page curl effect? If so, you could probably catch the event of it dismissing the modal view by implementing/overriding the following method in the ViewController that is doing the presenting...

    - (void)dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
    NSLog(@"Executing Own operation before dismissing!");
    [super dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:animated];

    Do your operation either before of after the call the the super method depending on if you want to execute it before or after the view is dismissed. I didn't get a chance to try this out so let me know if it works.