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Why is the React Native Packager not creating a new bundle when changes are saved?

On Mac, I created a React Native project via create-react-native-app and then ejected the app. Then I ran npm run ios, which is an alias for react-native run-ios. At that point, I can see it start up in the simulator and the packager opens in a new terminal window. It looks like it is watching for any changes on JS files in my project directory, yet when I make a basic edit in the JSX in the App.js file, I don't see anything happening in the packager terminal window and it doesn't reload the app in the simulator.

Edit: I just tested it on the react-native CLI and it happens there as well. I'm at a loss what the issue could be.​​

Am I missing something or is there another issue?

enter image description here


  • For the app to refresh, you need to do Cmd + R which refreshes the packager and lets it watch the refreshed bundle. For Realtime Loading, use Cmd + D to enable the devtools and enable Hot Reloading. Hope it helps!