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How do I use an additional variable on a quadl function in Matlab?

I am trying to pass a function from another .m file into a quadl call that also takes an extra variable when evaluating the function.

My current call looks like:

min = 0;
max = 2;
y=quadl(fun, min, max, 0.00001);

I want to have fun1 to be evaluated from min to max.

My function in the fun1.m file is:

function func=fun1(x)
    func = x^2+x+y

How do I pass the 'y' variable in?

I have tried to change the quad call to:

y=quadl(fun1(y), min, max, 0.00001);


y=quadl(fun1(y), min, max, 0.00001);

and the function to:

function func=fun1(x,y)
    func = x^2+x+y

but that does not work.

I have also tried declaring a global variable but it is giving me an undeclared variable error.

Help is appreciated!


  • First of all quadl will be removed in future releases, so it's best to use integral.

    You should use:

    function func=fun1(x,y)
        func = x.^2+x+y;         % with .^

    Then in your other script, you declare fun as a function of x:

    y = 5;
    min = 0;
    max = 2;
    y=integral(fun, min, max);

    If you insist on using quadl, you can do exactly the same:

    y = 5;
    min = 0;
    max = 2;
    y=quadl(fun, min, max, 0.00001);

    EDIT: To keep an expression in function of y aft er the integration of x, you need to work with syms and int:

    syms x y z
    fun = fun1(x,y,z);
    min = 0;
    max = 2;
    expr = int(fun,  x, min, max);