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Breeze EntityQuery.from() withParameters POST to API not working

I have this peace of code :

function getSopMatches(data) {

        return EntityQuery.from('GetSopMatches')
                $method: 'POST',
                $encoding: 'JSON',
                $data: data

        function success(response) {
            return response.results;

and it is called through this :

playerService.getSopMatches({ playerId:, competitionId: career.competitionId, seasonId: career.seasonId, teamId: career.teamId }).then(function (results) { //do something with it });

In my MVC controller (BreezeController) the method is like :

    public IQueryable<object> GetSopMatches(SopMatch sop)
        //this method is not called, I get a 405 Method not Allowed

Somehow, the actual call is a GET, instead of a POST and therefore I get the 405 Method not Allowed error message.

I have other peaces of code in the same project (client side javascript/breeze calls and server side mvc controller methods) that do work.

Does anybody knows what I'm doing wrong, or why it is changed to a GET method ?


  • After a day of trying and failing, I found a solution.

    It appeared that in the angular controller I was injecting breeze, and that was causing the issue. When breeze is injected into the controller or service, it messes up the URL of the POST and therefore you receive a 405 (because the URL is changed).