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Option Rom code failing to print intended string using Qemu Emulation

Been trying to test out a simple ISA Option Rom program compiled with either FASM or NASM that just prints out a simple 'Hello World' message.

Problem is instead of the string being printed I get a couple unexpected characters when testing it out in QEMU. The attributes work however and change the text color but can't figure this out after hours of Google searching.

Best guess is that ORG command needs to be set because the wrong memory address is being copied into AL from SI using LODSB. Any ideas??

use16        ; ISA module operates in the 16-bit segment.

DB      55h, 0AAh          ; Boot signature
DB      01h               ; Block size in sectors (200h each)

xor ax, ax ; make it zero
mov ds, ax


mov si, text_string     ; Put string position into SI
call print_string       ; Call our string-printing routine

jmp .bounce                   ; Jump here - infinite loop!

print_string:                   ; Routine: output string in SI to screen

   ;mov ah, 09h             ; int 10h 'print char' function
   ; mov bh, 0x00
   ; mov bl, 0x03
   ; mov cx, 1h

lodsb                   ; Get character from string

or al,al
jz .done

mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10

; If char is zero, end of string
; int 10h                 ; Otherwise, print it

mov bh, 00h
mov ah, 03h
int 10h
mov ah, 02h
mov bh, 00h
inc dl
int 10h
jmp .repeat

mov al, 'D'
mov bh,0x00
mov cx,1
mov ah,0ah
int 10h


text_string db 'Hello World!',,0
times 512-($-$$) db 0   


  • The primary problem is that you initialize DS to 0. When the BIOS passes control to your init routine it will do a FAR CALL to the option ROM location +3. The FAR Call will set CS to the segment the option ROM was loaded at and set IP (instruction pointer) to 3. 3 is the offset just past the signature and size bytes.

    By setting DS to zero you'll be accessing your string relative to the 0x0000 segment. You want to use the segment at which the option ROM is loaded. To do that you initialize DS to the value of the CS register. Instead of:

    xor ax, ax ; make it zero
    mov ds, ax

    You do this:

    mov ax, cs              ; CS contains segment we are running in
    mov ds, ax              ;    so copy it to DS

    You should also set the direction flag for string instructions to forward using CLD. You can't guarantee the BIOS set it that way before calling our option ROM code.

    As I've never written an option ROM, and I couldn't find any specific documentation on calling convention I was uncertain if you needed to preserve all the registers you change. I looked at the option ROMs in my own PC using the ree program under Linux. What I noticed is that they use pusha and popa to save and restore all the general purpose registers and they push/pop to save/restore individual segment registers. It is probably good practice to do this in your own option ROM. One requirement that dates back to the old Phoenix BIOS is that after the size byte there needs to be a NEAR JMP to the entry point of the initialization code.

    When finished an option ROM initialization routine you return back to the BIOS using retf (FAR return) so that the BIOS can continue scanning for other option ROMS and complete the bootup sequence.

    I fixed up your code a bit since there were some glitches in the print routine. This code should work:

    use16                       ; ISA module operates in the 16-bit segment.
    DB      55h, 0AAh           ; Boot signature
    DB      01h                 ; Block size in sectors (200h each)
    jmp start                   ; NearJMP part of Phoenix BIOS specification
        pushf                   ; Save the flags as we modify direction bit
        pusha                   ; Save all general purpose registers
        push ds                 ; we modify DS so save it
        cld                     ; Ensure forward string direction
        mov ax, cs              ; CS contains segment we are running in
        mov ds, ax              ;    so copy it to DS
        mov si, text_string     ; Put string position into SI
        call print_string       ; Call our string-printing routine
        pop ds                  ; Restore all registers and flags we saved
        retf                    ; Far return to exit option init routine
    print_string:               ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
        mov ah, 0eh             ; BIOS tty Print
        xor bx, bx              ; Set display page to 0 (BL)
        jmp .getch
        int 10h                 ; print character
        lodsb                   ; Get character from string
        test al,al              ; Have we reached end of string?
        jnz .repeat             ;     if not process next character
    ; String ends with 0dh (Carriage return) and 0ah (linefeed) to
    ; advance cursor to the beginning of next line
    text_string db 'Hello World!', 0dh, 0ah, 0
    times 512-($-$$) db 0

    Note: The code uses pusha/popa instructions that are only available on 80186+ processors. If you are targeting 8086/8088 then you'll need to individually push and pop each register you modify.

    It is also possible to not use DS register segment and override LODSB with a CS override. It could be modified to be cs lodsb. By doing that you don't need to save and restore DS because DS would remain unmodified. You also wouldn't have the need to copy CS to DS. You can similarly drop the need to save and restore the flags and set the direction bit with CLD if you replace cs lodsb with:

        mov al, [cs:si]
        inc si 

    The simplified code could look like:

    use16                       ; ISA module operates in the 16-bit segment.
    DB      55h, 0AAh           ; Boot signature
    DB      01h                 ; Block size in sectors (200h each)
    jmp start                   ; NearJMP part of Phoenix BIOS specification
        pusha                   ; Save all generel purpose registers
        mov si, text_string     ; Put string position into SI
        call print_string       ; Call our string-printing routine
        popa                    ; Restore all general purpose registers
        retf                    ; Far return to exit option init routine
    print_string:               ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
        mov ah, 0eh             ; BIOS tty Print
        xor bx, bx              ; Set display page to 0 (BL)
        jmp .getch
        int 10h                 ; print character
        mov al, [cs:si]
        inc si
        test al,al              ; Have we reached end of string?
        jnz .repeat             ;     if not process next character
    ; String ends with 0x0d (Carriage return) and 0x0a (linefeed) to
    ; advance cursor to the beginning of next line
    text_string db 'Hello World!', 0dh, 0ah, 0
    times 512-($-$$) db 0

    My Bochs configuration file that I used to test on Debian Linux is:

    # configuration file generated by Bochs
    plugin_ctrl: unmapped=1, biosdev=1, speaker=1, extfpuirq=1, parallel=1, serial=1, iodebug=1
    config_interface: textconfig
    display_library: x
    memory: host=32, guest=32
    romimage: file="/usr/local/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest", address=0x0, options=none
    vgaromimage: file="/usr/local/share/bochs/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest"
    # no floppyb
    ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
    ata0-master: type=none
    ata0-slave: type=none
    ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15
    ata1-master: type=none
    ata1-slave: type=none
    ata2: enabled=0
    ata3: enabled=0
    optromimage1: file="optrom.bin", address=0xd0000
    pci: enabled=1, chipset=i440fx
    vga: extension=vbe, update_freq=5, realtime=1
    cpu: count=1:1:1, ips=4000000, quantum=16, model=bx_generic, reset_on_triple_fault=1, cpuid_limit_winnt=0, ignore_bad_msrs=1, mwait_is_nop=0
    cpuid: level=6, stepping=3, model=3, family=6, vendor_string="GenuineIntel", brand_string="              Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU        "
    cpuid: mmx=1, apic=xapic, simd=sse2, sse4a=0, misaligned_sse=0, sep=1, movbe=0, adx=0
    cpuid: aes=0, sha=0, xsave=0, xsaveopt=0, x86_64=1, 1g_pages=0, pcid=0, fsgsbase=0
    cpuid: smep=0, smap=0, mwait=1
    print_timestamps: enabled=0
    debugger_log: -
    magic_break: enabled=0
    port_e9_hack: enabled=0
    private_colormap: enabled=0
    clock: sync=none, time0=local, rtc_sync=0
    # no cmosimage
    # no loader
    log: -
    logprefix: %t%e%d
    debug: action=ignore
    info: action=report
    error: action=report
    panic: action=ask
    keyboard: type=mf, serial_delay=250, paste_delay=100000, user_shortcut=none
    mouse: type=ps2, enabled=0, toggle=ctrl+mbutton
    speaker: enabled=1, mode=system
    parport1: enabled=1, file=none
    parport2: enabled=0
    com1: enabled=1, mode=null
    com2: enabled=0
    com3: enabled=0
    com4: enabled=0

    This configuration assumes the optional ROM is in a file optrom.bin and will be loaded at memory address 0xd0000

    Option ROMs have to have a checksum computed and placed in the last byte of the image file. QEMU provides a script that can be used for that purpose. To update the checksum of an image you can do:

    python inputimagefile outputimagefile