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postgresql crosstab simple example

I got a key-value based table where each key-value pair is assigned to an entity which is identified by an id:

| id  | key       | value |
| 123 | FIRSTNAME | John  |
| 123 | LASTNAME  | Doe   |

And I want to transform it a structure like this:

| id  | firstName | lastName |
| 123 | John      | Doe      |

I suppose one can use postgres built-in crosstab function to do it.

Can you show me how to do it and explain why it works?


  • First of all activate the build in tablefunc-extension:

    CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc;

    Then create table and add sample data:

    CREATE TABLE example (
      id int,
      key text,
      value text
      (123, 'firstName', 'John'),
      (123, 'lastName', 'Doe');

    Now lets prepare the crosstab statment:

    SELECT *
    FROM example
    ORDER BY id ASC, key ASC;

    Its important to have the ORDER BY here.


    | 123 | FIRSTNAME | John  |
    | 123 | LASTNAME  | Doe   |


    Now crosstab creates the table as we want:

    SELECT *
    FROM crosstab(
        'SELECT *
         FROM example
         ORDER BY id ASC, key ASC;'
    ) AS ct(id INT, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT);


    | 123 | John      | Doe      |

    How it works #1

    To however understand how it works I found it easiest to just change the ORDER BY and see what happens:

    SELECT *
    FROM crosstab(
        'SELECT *
         FROM example
         ORDER BY id ASC, key DESC;'
    ) AS ct(id INT, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT);


    | 123 | Doe       | John     |

    As we changed the sorting of the key, the crosstab function sees the keys sorted in the other direction, thus reversing the generated columns.

    How it works #2

    Another thing that helped me understand how it works: the column definition is all about positions:

    SELECT *
    FROM crosstab(
        'SELECT *
         FROM example
         ORDER BY id ASC, key ASC;'
    ) AS ct(blablafirst INT, blablasecond TEXT, blablathird TEXT);


    | 123          | John         | Doe         |