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How to set up login page in Spring Boot 2 with WebFlux?

I have created Spring Boot 2 WebFlux application (based on Spring Cloud Gateway project) and now try to configure custom login page instead of standard:

SecurityWebFilterChain springWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
    return http.httpBasic().and()

I tried to use Thymeleaf to render this page by means of login html page creation and controller setup:

public class LoginController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/login")
    public Mono<String> getLoginPage() {
        return Mono.just("/templates/login.html");

But it don't working. Can anybody explain how to do this and should I using Thymeleaf at all? Maybe this have already implemented and is on GitHub?


  • Try

    public class LoginController {
        public String getLoginPage() {
            // assuming that Thymeleaf is present
            // and a valid src/main/resources/templates/login.html template 
            return "login";