I'm currently trying to escape a variable using django templating filters as below. I use a jinja2 template engine instead of just django's primary templateing engine
{{ my_variable|escape|linebreaks }}
the output of a string with newlines is as follows:
Lorem ipsum <br /> dolor sit amet <br />rg srg
gs rgsr rsg serg<br />r srg
Ideally the
<br />
is not supposed to be escaped, as it is added by the "linebreaks" filter. There are no html tags with the original string.
I've tried:
{{ my_variable|linebreaks|escape }}
But, it turns out even worse:
<p>Lorem ipsum <br /> dolor sit amet <br />rg srg</p>
<p>gs rgsr rsg serg<br />r srg</p>
Does anyone knows whether I did something wrong with applying the template filter, and/or able to point me in the right direction?
Silly me, it seems that I can use:
{{ my_variable|forceescape|linebreaks }}
to force the 'escape' filter to apply first. By default 'escape' only apply at end of all other filters despite of position, so force_escape is the other most simple alternative.