I'm working on a project which has more than one user type (SuperUser - SchoolAdmin - Teacher)
And each role has privilige to see some elements.
How do i hide elements depending on the logged user role using *ngIf?
This is the project link on Stack-blitz, i uploaded some of it to guide me with the live preview.
Inside app you will find common services >> auth, this is the folder which has login service and authentication guard.
Inside models >> enum, you will find user type enum.
Inside component sign-in you will find the form which defines user type.
Inside routes you will see the expected roles made for each component.
Users that i made for testing:
This should route you to the school-list
Admin (which has super user role): test1@test.com Password: 12345
This should route you to the dashboard
Student (which has student role): test2@test.com Password: 12345
For example is i want to hide element on the dash-board to be only shown to the super user role, how can i do this?
I know that there is a way with ngIf but i'm stuck on the right way to write it inside the NgIf, i want examples on my code not a dummy code.
Update: issue has been resolved so i deleted the users made for testing.
In your project, when a user is registering you are asking if he is a 'Teacher', 'Parent' or a 'Student'. So here you have your condition.
When you sign-in or register you should save your user data somewhere (in a service for exemple which you can use with @injection.
Then with that data you should make some test in your DOM like this:
/* if type_id == id(student) */
<div *ngIf="myService.currentUser.type_id">
// your student display ...
/* if type_id == id(teacher) */
<div *ngIf="myService.currentUser.type_id">
// your teacher display ...
Is this helping you ? You should read this docs Services
[Exemple in your case]
Your service:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
other import
export class UserService {
public currentUser: any;
public login(loginData: LoginModel): any {
const apiUrl: string = environment.apiBaseUrl + '/api/en/users/login';
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // this is a promise. learn what is a promise in Javascript. this one is only more structured in TypeScript
// a promise is returned to make sure that action is taken only after the response to the api is recieved
this.http.post(apiUrl, loginData).subscribe((data: any) => {
var userData = {
token: data.token,
this.currentUser = data.user // HERE SAVE YOUR user data
return resolve(userData);
else {
return reject(data)
}, (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
return reject(err);
return promise;
Then inject that service in your constructor and your service in
// Don't forgot to import UserService !!
constructor(public userService: UserService){}
*ngIf="userService.currentUser.type_id == 1"