Im doing a query to export results to CSV in postgres running on a ubuntu-server.
The query gets called from a Node-API which is connecting to Postgres via the node-postgres-driver(
The query looks like this:
var sqlText =
'Copy (SELECT AS Company, SUM(sale.numbersold) AS NumberSold
FROM SALE LEFT JOIN company ON company.companyid = sale.companyid
WHERE sale.createdate BETWEEN $1 AND $2 GROUP BY
To \'/tmp/test.csv\' With CSV HEADER DELIMITER \',\'';
Whenever I try to use this query with parameters I get a exception that postgres expected 0 parameters and got 2. How do you send in parameters to a query like this?
If I query with static text like this, it works:
var sqlText = 'Copy (SELECT AS Company, SUM(sale.numbersold) AS NumberSold
FROM SALE LEFT JOIN company ON company.companyid = sale.companyid
WHERE sale.createdate BETWEEN \'2018-01-01\' AND \'2018-01-01\'
To \'/tmp/test.csv\' With CSV HEADER DELIMITER \',\'';
Code in Node:
var params = ['2018-01-01', '2018-01-28']
let dbResult;
try {
dbResult = await GetStuff(sqlText, params);
} catch (err) {
is an utility statement, and as such doesn't support parametrized execution.
Either the parameters should be injected client-side, or, if you prefer not to, injected server-side with dynamic SQL implemented in a function.
An example is shown in Use function variable in dynamic COPY statement.