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Loop inside loop with record count for each row of the last loop

I have 3 tables: dbo.Category, dbo.SubCategory and dbo.Product with the following structure:

dbo.Category: (Category_ID, Category_name)
dbo.SubCategory: (SubCategory_ID, Category_ID, SubCategory_name)
dbo.Product: (Product_ID, Category_ID, SubCategory_ID, Product_name)
  1. I need a loop to display all my categories (from the Category table)
  2. I need a second loop (inside the first one) to display all the subcategories belonging to the parent category.
  3. I need to display (with record count) how many products have each one of my subcategories.

For example, I need something like this:

Category 1

--- Subcategory1 (7)

--- Subcategory 2 (11)

Category 2

--- Subcategory 5 (88)

--- Subcategory 9 (36)

Category 3

--- Subcategory 8 (0)

--- Subcategory 22 (122)

I am not familiar with classic asp and vbscript and the only thing I have managed to do until now, is only the first loop with my main Categories as following:

dim Connect,RS_test,sql
Set Connect = Server.Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open = MM_sindesi_STRING
sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Category"
set RS_test = Connect.Execute(sql)
Do Until RS_test.Eof
<table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
Set RS_test = Nothing 
Set Connect = Nothing

The above code works ok but the only thing I am getting are the names of my categories…

I have tried so hard to find some similar questions in stackoverflow but unfortunately I didn’t managed to find anything…


  • You use nested Do Loop

        set category = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
        SQL="SELECT * FROM dbo.Category" SQL,Connect,1,3
        <% Do while not category.eof %>  
    <%=i> Category Record
        <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
        set sub_category = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
        SQL="SELECT * FROM dbo.SubCategory where Category_Id="&cat_id&"" SQL,Connect,1,3%>
          <% Do while not sub_category.eof %>  
        <%=j%> Record Sub Category