Hey I got a problem here.
I'm trying to retrieve the date from the Database based on Date passed to the method, and it returns the value.
The problem is that, when I try to pass the variable that receives the date, the method that select the data from the DB, returns nothing. (and I print the date variable on the LogCat and it's ok, the date value is correct), but if I pass a String value like this ("1/01/1111") it returns correctly.
here is the method on the activity that get the value and set the text.
public void setBasicContent() {
date = (mMonth + 1) + "/" + mDay + "/" + mYear + " ";
hpdData = this.hpd.selectDuration(date);
And here is the selectDuration() method that select the data from the DB based on the date parameter.
Ah, when I pass the variable date in the activity, the code doesn't reach the if(cursor.moveToFirst())
scope. But I don't know why, because the variable value is completely correctly exactly like a normal string.
public String selectDuration(String date) {
String duration = "";
Integer value = 0;
String returnment = "";
Log.i(TAG, "date to select: " + date);
Cursor cursor = this.db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] { "duration" },
"date = ?", new String[] { date }, null, null, null);
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
Log.i("SELECTDURATION", "inside cursor.moveToFirst()");
duration = cursor.getString(0);
value += Integer.parseInt(duration);
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
returnment = Integer.toString(value);
if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {
Log.i(TAG, "valor do returnment: " + returnment);
return returnment;
I found the error. It is on the setBasicContent()
Here is the old method:
public void setBasicContent() {
date = (mMonth + 1) + "/" + mDay + "/" + mYear + " ";
hpdData = this.hpd.selectDuration(date);
and here is the new method modified:
public void setBasicContent() {
date = (mMonth + 1) + "/" + mDay + "/" + mYear;
hpdData = this.hpd.selectDuration(date);
The problem is on this line:
date = (mMonth + 1) + "/" + mDay + "/" + mYear + " ";
If you see, it concatenates an empty character to the date, so in the String will pass the date string with an empty character, which for a String makes the difference. So it must be like this:
date = (mMonth + 1) + "/" + mDay + "/" + mYear;