I have an Oracle linked server in SQL Server and would like to copy the contents of a number of views to a database in SQL Server, these views from Oracle are to become tables in SQL Server. I have done this one at a time but am looking for a solution to be able to refresh these views, 104 of them, overnight every night.
I am fine with setting the job running manually but am looking for a solution that will either drop and recreate the tables from the views or that will just refresh the data in the SQL Server tables that exist.
Hope I have explained this well enough!
Many thanks in advance for any help on this one.
If you don't already have the table structures in the MSSQL database, I'd say go through one time for all 104 views, and say the following:
INTO MSSQLNewTable (this will be the name of your new table)
FROM <However you reference your Oracle view from within MS SQL Server>
After you do that, then create a SQL Script that says:
SELECT * FROM OracleTable_Name
.....for each table. Create a job in the database instance that runs on a schedule you set.
use the sys. tables to generate the statements so you don't have to type everything 104 times.