I'm trying to query the aerospike database from command line. I want to query a set called Users.
$ aql -h remote.myserver.com -p 3000
Aerospike Query Client
C Client Version 4.1.6
Copyright 2012-2016 Aerospike. All rights reserved.
aql> select * from test.Users
Error: (9) Timeout: timeout=1000 iterations=1 failedNodes=0 failedConns=0
How can I increase the timeout when I'm using CLI option? This table has merely 27 records only.
Thanks in advance.
1) On latest aql tool you can use the -T command line option.
-T, --timeout Set the timeout (ms) for commands. Default: 1000
aql -u
aql: option requires an argument -- 'u'
Aerospike Query Client
C Client Version 4.3.0
Copyright 2012-2017 Aerospike. All rights reserved.
Usage: aql [OPTIONS]
-V, --version Print AQL version information.
-O, --options Print command-line options message.
-E, --help Print command-line options message and AQL commands
-h, --host <host1>[:<tlsname1>][:<port1>],...
Server seed hostnames or IP addresses. The tlsname is
only used when connecting with a secure TLS enabled
server. Default: localhost:3000
-p, --port <port> Server default port. Default: 3000
-U, --user <name> User name used to authenticate with cluster. Default: none
-P, --password[<password>]
Password used to authenticate with cluster. Default: none
User will be prompted on command line if -P specified and no
password is given.
-c, --command <cmd> Execute the specified command.
-f, --file <path> Execute the commands in the specified file.
-z, --threadpoolsize <n>
Set the number of client threads used to talk to the
server. Default: 16
-e, --echo Enable echoing of commands. Default: disabled
-o, --outputmode Set the output mode. (json | table | raw | mute)
Default: table
-n, --outputtypes Disable outputting types for values (e.g., GeoJSON, JSON)
to distinguish them from generic strings
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output. Default: disabled
-T, --timeout <ms> Set the timeout (ms) for commands. Default: 1000
-u, --udfuser <path> Path to User managed UDF modules.
Default: /opt/aerospike/usr/udf/lua
-s, --udfsys <path> Path to the System managed UDF modules.
Default: /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua
--tlsEnable Enable TLS. # Default: TLS disabled
--tlsEncryptOnly Disable TLS certificate verification.
--tlsCaFile <path> Set the TLS certificate authority file.
--tlsCaPath <path> Set the TLS certificate authority directory.
--tlsProtocols <protocols>
Set the TLS protocol selection criteria.
--tlsCipherSuite <suite>
Set the TLS cipher selection criteria.
--tlsCrlCheck Enable CRL checking for leaf certs.
--tlsCrlCheckAll Enable CRL checking for all certs.
--tlsCertBlackList <path>
Path to a certificate blacklist file.
Log TLS connected session info.
--tlsKeyFile <path> Set the TLS client key file for mutual authentication.
--tlsCertFile <path>
Set the TLS client certificate chain file for mutual
2) Within aql interactive mode you can set the timeout by modifying the
TIMEOUT setting
aql> set TIMEOUT 100000
TIMEOUT = 100000
Here are the settings that can be modified in interactive mode.
ECHO (true | false, default false)
OUTPUT_TYPES (true | false, default true)
TIMEOUT (time in ms, default: 1000)
VERBOSE (true | false, default false)
LUA_USERPATH <path>, default : /opt/aerospike/usr/udf/lua
LUA_SYSPATH <path>, default : /opt/aerospike/sys/udf/lua
USE_SMD (true | false, default false)
RECORD_TTL (time in sec, default: 0)
RECORD_PRINT_METADATA (true | false, default false, prints record metadata)
REPLICA_ANY (true | false, default false)
KEY_SEND (true | false, default false)
DURABLE_DELETE (true | false, default false)
FAIL_ON_CLUSTER_CHANGE (true | false, default true, policy applies to scans)
SCAN_PRIORITY priority of scan (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, AUTO), default : AUTO
NO_BINS (true | false, default false, No bins as part of scan and query result)
LINEARIZE_READ (true | false, default false, Make read linearizable, applicable only for namespace with strong_consistency enabled.)
3) Above settings can also be set within an aql script and called using
aql -f <aql_script>
$ cat test.aql
INSERT INTO test.demo (PK, foo, bar) VALUES ('key1', 123, 'abc')
select * from test.demo
$ aql -f test.aql
INSERT INTO test.demo (PK, foo, bar) VALUES ('key1', 123, 'abc')
OK, 1 record affected.
TIMEOUT = 150000
select * from test.demo
| foo | bar |
| 123 | "abc" |
1 row in set (0.392 secs)