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How to handle Facade in feature by package structure

How can I structure my project if I have a facade?

The controller will call the facade to call the class in another package and the self package?


├── order/
│   ├── OrderController <== here calls Facade
│   ├── OrderService
└── facade/
│   ├── CheckoutFacade <== here calls orderService(go to facade and back to self package) and personService 
└── person/
    └── PersonService

Should I create a controller package separately of feature?


  • You could organise package as: [now I think it's totally wrong]

    [EDIT] this below is a bit missleading

    ├── OrderController <== here calls Facade public
    └── service/
       ├── CheckoutFacade <== here calls orderService(go to facade and back to self package) and personService - public for test purpouse      
       ├── OrderService (might be package scope)
       └── PersonService (might be package scope)

    [EDIT] this one is acceptable!

    ├── OrderController <== here calls Facade public
    ├── CheckoutFacade <== here calls orderService(go to facade and back to self package) and personService - (might be package scope)      
    ├── OrderService (might be package scope)
    └── PersonService (might be package scope)

    with experience comes also some conclusions for now in my projects I have this kind of structure

    the way I do it for now is:

    └── api/
       ├── OrderController <== PACKAGE SCOPE [autowiring CheckoutFacade and so on.., and there is no need to make it public]
    └── exceptions/
       ├── ExampleException <== PUBLIC SCOPE 
    └── dto/
       ├── ExampleDTO <== PUBLIC SCOPE [to communicate with facade]
    ├── CheckoutFacade <== PUBLIC SCOPE      
    ├── OrderService <== PACKAGE SCOPE [service is hidden]
    ├── PersonService <== PACKAGE SCOPE [service is hidden]
    ├── ExampleRepository <== PUBLIC SCOPE [repository interface is public]
    ├── ExampleRepositoryInMemory <== PACKAGE SCOPE [repository interface 
    └── FeatureConfiguration <== PACKAGE SCOPE [ex spring bean config]

    And i'am really happy