I have a function with returns an array of the same element-type than the input array but with an additional dimension. Here is a simple example:
function myfun(a::Array{T,N}) where {T,N}
b = Array{T,N+1}(size(a)...,2)
b[:] = 42
return b
When this function is called on a 2x2 arrays, it returns an 2x2x2 array.
2×2×2 Array{Float64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
42.0 42.0
42.0 42.0
[:, :, 2] =
42.0 42.0
42.0 42.0
However, this function is not type-stable. According to @code_warntype
, b
is of type Any
Even with type-annotation on b
, the result is not type-stable
with respect to the number of dimensions:
function myfun(a::Array{T,N}) where {T,N}
b = Array{T,N+1}(size(a)...,2) :: Array{T,N+1}
b[:] = T(42)
return b
@code_warntype myfun(zeros(2,2))
returns now Array{Float64,_} where _
for the type of b
. Should Julia not be able to figure out that the number of dimensions is 3 when the input argument has 2 dimensions?
I am using julia 0.6.2 (on linux).
That's due to the fact that the constructor(Array{T,N+1}(size(a)...,2)
) is executed at runtime, you can use @generated functions to precompute N
at compile time:
julia> @generated function myfun(a::Array{T,N}) where {T,N}
NN = N+1
b = Array{$T,$NN}(size(a)...,2)
b[:] = 42
return b
myfun (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @code_warntype myfun(zeros(2,2))
#self# <optimized out>
begin # line 2:
# meta: location REPL[1] # line 4:
SSAValue(2) = (Base.arraysize)(a::Array{Float64,2}, 1)::Int64
SSAValue(1) = (Base.arraysize)(a::Array{Float64,2}, 2)::Int64
b::Array{Float64,3} = $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_3d), Array{Float64,3}, svec(Any, Int64, Int64, Int64), Array{Float64,3}, 0, SSAValue(2), 0, SSAValue(1), 0, :($(QuoteNode(2))), 0)) # line 5:
$(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for fill!(::Array{Float64,3}, ::Int64), :(Base.fill!), :(b), 42))
# meta: pop location
return b::Array{Float64,3}
julia> myfun(zeros(2,2))
2×2×2 Array{Float64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
42.0 42.0
42.0 42.0
[:, :, 2] =
42.0 42.0
42.0 42.0