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How to inject ILogger<T> dependency to a service in ConfigureServices - .net core 2.0

I have the following MailService:

public class MailService : IMailService
    private readonly ILogger<MailService> _logger;
    private readonly SmtpClient _client;

    public MailService(ILogger<MailService> logger, SmtpClient client)
        _logger = logger;
        _client = client;

    public async Task Send(string to, string subject, string body)
        var message = new MailMessage
            Subject = subject,
            Body = body,
            IsBodyHtml = true,
            From = new MailAddress("[email protected]")


        using (_client)
            _logger.LogTrace($"Sending email from {message.From.Address} to {to}. Subject: {subject}");
            await _client.SendMailAsync(message);


I would like to create this service using an implementation factory because I will read the smtp settings from configuration and supply the smtp client like the following in Startup.cs:

services.AddTransient<IMailService>(provider =>
    var mailService = new MailService(***LOGGER INSTANCE HERE***, new SmtpClient("", 25));
    return mailService;

Is there a way to grab a logger instance and supply that to the mail service?


  • Wouldn't this work?

    services.AddTransient<IMailService>(provider =>
                return new MailService(provider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<MailService>>(), new SmtpClient());