I have an OSGI service that has an @Activate method. In the activate method I call a method called 'buildTitleList' where I query some resources (pages) and gather their titles in a list. This code is working in a running environment but not in my unit tests.
I create the page in my context the following way:
aemContext.create().page("/content/test-page', "/apps/platform-company/templates/home-page", "test-tile");
If I debug my unit test I can see that the resources I query in the 'buildTitleList' are empty (note: I am sure that my path is correct)
When I call the 'buildTitleList' directly in my unit test it DOES work. Is this normal behaviour, is there a way to make sure the @Activate method also can see the newly created page in the context?
public void checkTitles() {
TitleService titleService = context.getService(TitleService.class);
System.out.println(); //If I set a breakpoint here and look into the TitleService instance the list of titles is still 0
public class TitleService {
private List<String> titles;
public TitleService() {
this.titles = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
public void buildTitleList() throws RepositoryException, LoginException, WCMException {
// Gather title code here (incl. newlist). This works on a running instance but the resoure is always null when calle from within an @Activa method
protected void Activate() {
Setup code:
public static AemContext getAemContext(RunMode runMode) {
if (aemContext != null) {
return aemContext;
} else {
aemContext = newAemContext();
return aemContext;
public static AemContext newAemContext() {
return new AemContextBuilder()
private static final AemContextCallback SETUP_CALLBACK = aemContext -> {
// context path strategy
MockCAConfig.contextPathStrategyRootTemplate(aemContext, Template.HOME_PAGE.getValue());
// register sling models
aemContext.registerInjectActivateService(new AutoClosableResourceResolverFactory());
aemContext.registerInjectActivateService(new TitleService());
TestInformation testInformation = TestInformation.getInstance();
for (TestLiveCopyInformation info : testInformation.getLiveCopyInformationList()) {
aemContext.load().json(info.getResourcePath(), info.getContentRoot() + "/" + info.getLanguage().getIsoCode());
// set default current page
Rule in test:
public final AemContext context = AppAemContext.getAemContext(RunMode.AUTHOR);
Thanks to @Jens I found out that ResourceResolver now implement the AutoClosable interface (since 6.2, we are using so I could remove our custom factory and use the default ResourceResolverFactory, everything is working fine now.