I am trying to figure out how I can use the blink
attribute of the colored()
function in the termcolor module to blink for a specific amount of time, and then stop.
I looked at the package index and the properties of this, but I haven't seen anywhere describing if this would be possible.
I currently have the following bit of code that makes the string blink indefinitely:
print(colored('Picking the first dealer by random...', 'cyan', attrs=['blink']))
I would like to be able to make this string blink for a couple of seconds, stop, and then continue running the program. Is there a possible way to do this?
This blink_once()
function will show the word TEXT for .5 secs and will hide it for .5 secs afterwards.
So the effect is just a one time blink. I do it writing spaces in he same place as the text after a delay. It's easy to modify the delay or the text, or adding them as parameters if you need it for your specific project.
The blink(number)
calls blink_once()
a determined number
of times. So blink(3)
will show the word "TEXT" blinking 3 times.
import sys
import time
def blink_once():
b = ("Loading")
sys.stdout.write('\r ')
def blink(number):
for x in range(0,number):