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Advanced routing in Symfony v3

I'm after a custom routing method so I can have below links to be handled by single controller action:


Is it possible even possible? I don't use SensioExtraBundle so routes has to be written down in yaml.

For instance in Zend Framework 2 it is possible quite easily, because I can write a class, which would handle the routing as a wish. Don't know how to achieve the same in Symfony though, any help would be appreciated.

The only way I can come up with is to create a custom route loader, calculate all route permutations and return that collection, but don't know if it the best solution possible.

This question is unique, because I need to use single route name instead of specyfing tens of different route definitions.


  • A simple solution would be to define the route as catch-all …

    # Resources/config/routing.yml
        path:  /{path}
        defaults: { _controller: FooBarBundle:Catchall:dispatcher, path : "" }
            path: ".*"

    … and do all further processing in the controller:

    # Controller/CatchallController.php
    class CatchallController extends Controller
        public function dispatcherAction(Request $request, string $path)
            if (/* path matches pattern 1 */)
                return $this->doQuery($request, $path);
            elseif (/* path matches pattern 2 */)
                return $this->doCategoryCityQuery($request, $path);
            // ... and so on
                return new Response("Page not found", 404);
        private function doQuery($request, $path)
            // do stuff and return a Response object
        private function doCategoryCityQuery($request, $path)
            // do stuff and return a Response object