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How do I get the ISIN of a security from Interactive Brokers?

I am trying to get the International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN) for securities in my Interactive Brokers portfolio.

In the documentation I found two places, that mention ISIN:

  1. secId and secIdType fields inside Contract: Source
  2. secIdList field inside ContractDetails: Source

But I can't get the API to fill any of these fields. Example code:

from ib_insync import *
ib = IB()
ib.connect("", 4002, 0)
for pfi in ib.portfolio():
    for detail in ib.reqContractDetails(pfi.contract):

This outputs:

ContractDetails(summary=Contract(conId=13181, symbol='AEE', secType='STK', exchange='SMART', primaryExchange='NYSE', currency='USD', localSymbol='AEE', tradingClass='AEE'), marketName='AEE', minTick=0.01, orderTypes='ACTIVETIM,ADJUST,ALERT,ALGO,ALLOC,AON,AVGCOST,BASKET,COND,CONDORDER,DARKONLY,DARKPOLL,DAY,DEACT,DEACTDIS,DEACTEOD,DIS,GAT,GTC,GTD,GTT,HID,IBKRATS,ICE,IMB,IOC,LIT,LMT,LOC,MIT,MKT,MOC,MTL,NGCOMB,NODARK,NONALGO,OCA,OPG,OPGREROUT,PEGBENCH,POSTONLY,PREOPGRTH,REL,RPI,RTH,RTHIGNOPG,SCALE,SCALEODD,SCALERST,SMARTSTG,SNAPMID,SNAPMKT,SNAPREL,STP,STPLMT,SWEEP,TRAIL,TRAILLIT,TRAILLMT,TRAILMIT,WHATIF', validExchanges='SMART,AMEX,NYSE,CBOE,ISE,CHX,ARCA,ISLAND,VWAP,DRCTEDGE,NSX,BEX,BATS,EDGEA,CSFBALGO,JEFFALGO,BYX,IEX,CVGXALGO,PSX', priceMagnifier=1, longName='AMEREN CORP', industry='Utilities', category='Electric', subcategory='Electric-Integrated', timeZoneId='EST5EDT', tradingHours='20170816:0400-2000;20170817:0400-2000', liquidHours='20170816:0930-1600;20170817:0930-1600', mdSizeMultiplier=100)

As you can see, none of the above mentioned fields are filled. Do you have any idea how to get the ISIN for a security?


  • I'm working with the IB API every day. Therefore I would prefer to get the ISIN with the function


    You have to use 4 arguments and the third is called reportType. Here you can choose the easiest type named ReportSnapshot. You will receive a xml-file and in the second part (Common Stock) you find the line with the ISIN. For example in the request for AAPL:

    <IssueID Type="ISIN">US0378331005</IssueID>

    It's not so complicated. If you need sample code just ask me.

    More informations: IB about reqFundamentalData and documentation of the function