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Angular: wrapper component to pass inner directives/components

I have 3 components:

(1) AppComponent: This is just a regular AppComponent, nothing special. In app.component.html I use my MyComponent:


(2) MyComponent: This is just a wrapper component that contains TheirComponent like this (my.component.html):


(3) TheirComponent: This is a third-party component (from an NPM package). It can contain directives and other components from the third-party components. For example:


My goal is to put all of these additional, inner directives and components (their-header and their-footer in this example) in app.component.html, and pass it through MyComponent to TheirComponent. So my app.component.html should look like this:


I tried to use ng-content for this. It works with simple HTML elements, I know, but not with these third-party directives. This is what I tried (my.component.html):


It doesn't work, and there are no errors. Maybe this is a content projection problem, I'm not sure, how this is called. Any solution for this? Thanks.



  • If you really need it you can take advantage of using ngProjectAs attribute.

    In order to have all addition functionality provided by ButtonGroup(k-group-start, k-group-end classes etc) you have to pass buttons array to kendo component.

    Here's how it could look like:

    import { Component, QueryList, ContentChildren, Input, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { Button, ButtonGroup } from '@progress/kendo-angular-buttons';
      selector: 'my-component',
      template: `
            <ng-content ngProjectAs="[kendoButton]"></ng-content>
    export class MyComponent {
      @ViewChild(ButtonGroup) buttonGroup: ButtonGroup;
      @ContentChildren(Button) buttons: QueryList<Button>;
      ngAfterViewInit() {
        this.buttonGroup.buttons = this.buttons;

    Plunker Example

    See also: