Can I use a function like this
CREATE FUNCTION create_user(_firstName text)
RETURNS void AS $$
INSERT INTO user_account (first_name) VALUES (_firstName);
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
On the server to protect against SQL injection attacks? Then I can just run this on the client,
client.query(`SELECT create_user(${someUserInput})...`
Or will I still need to use parameterized queries with placeholders,
client.query(`SELECT create_user($1)`, [someUserInput])
client.query(`select create_user(${someUserInput})`
The problem there is what happens if
let someUserInput = `'foo'); DROP DATABASE bar;`;
That will get sent to your call as,
client.query("select create_user('foo'); DROP DATABASE bar;")`
And, that would be bad. Yes, the argument to create_user
is protected against injection, but the call to that isn't.
Ensure someUserInput
is properly quoted
(requires placeholders anyway). SELECT quote_literal($1);
I would not try to create the quoting-mechanism myself.