I am a little new to akka world, so my domain of knowledge is a bit small. I am creating an https server and handling it using akka streams and http, for a specific url, i need to send a file back to client. How can i achieve that using akka streams and avoiding the akka routes.
def handleCall(request:HttpRequest):HttpResponse = {
logger.info("Request is {}",request)
val uri:String = request.getUri().path()
if(uri == "/download"){
val f = new File("/1000.txt")
logger.info("file download")
return HttpEntity(
//What should i put here if i want to return a text file.
If the file is likely to be large then you don't want to consume the entire contents into memory before sending it to the client. This is solved via a purely stream based solution:
import scala.io
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.{Chunked, ChunkStreamPart}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpResponse, ContentTypes}
val fileContentsSource : (String, String) => Source[ChunkStreamPart, _] =
(fileName, enc) =>
.fromIterator( io.Source.fromFile(fileName, enc).getLines )
val fileEntityResponse : (String, String) => HttpResponse =
(fileName, enc) =>
HttpResponse(entity = Chunked(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`,
fileContentsSource(fileName, enc)))
Now you can create and send an HttpResponse without having the server keep the entire contents:
val httpResp : HttpResponse = fileEntityResponse("/foo/log.txt", "UTF8")