I'm attempting to get pagination up and workning with Google's new library, but seeing some odd behavior. I'm not sure where I am going wrong.
I'm followig MVP and also using some dagger injection for testability.
In the view:
val adapter = ItemsAdapter()
viewModel.getItems(itemCategoryId, keywords).observe(this, Observer {
Log.d(TAG, "Items updated $it")
The data source factory:
class ItemDataSourceFactory(
private val api: Api,
private val retryExecutor: Executor
) : DataSource.Factory<Long, Item> {
private val mutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<ItemDataSource>()
override fun create(): DataSource<Long, Item> {
val source = ItemDataSource(api, retryExecutor)
return source
The data source:
class ItemDataSource(
private val api: Api,
private val retryExecutor: Executor
): ItemKeyedDataSource<Long, Item>() {
companion object {
private val TAG = ItemKeyDataSource::class.java
override fun getKey(item: Item): Long = item.id
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<Long>, callback: LoadCallback<Item>) {
// ignored, since we only ever append to our initial load
override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<Long>, callback: LoadInitialCallback<Item>) {
api.loadItems(1, params.requestedLoadSize)
Logger.d(TAG, "Page 1 loaded. Count ${params.requestedLoadSize}.\nItems: ${it.items}")
callback.onResult(it.items as MutableList<Item>, 0, it.item.size)
}, {})
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<Long>, callback: LoadCallback<Item>) {
api.loadItems(params.key, params.requestedLoadSize)
Logger.d(TAG, "Page ${params.key} loaded. Count ${params.requestedLoadSize}.\nItems: ${it.items}")
callback.onResult(it.itemsas MutableList<Item>)
}, {})
And the view model:
class ItemsViewModel @Inject internal constructor(
private val repository: ItemsMvp.Repository
): ViewModel(), ItemsMvp.Model {
override fun items(categoryId: Long, keywords: String?): LiveData<PagedList<Item>> {
return repository.items(categoryId, keywords)
And the repository layer:
class ItemsRepository @Inject internal constructor(
private val api: Api,
) : ItemsMvp.Repository {
companion object {
const val DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 20
private val networkExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE)
private val pagedListConfig = PagedList.Config.Builder()
override fun items(categoryId: Long, keywords: String?): LiveData<PagedList<Item>> {
val sourceFactory = ItemDataSourceFactory(api, networkExecutor)
// provide custom executor for network requests, otherwise it will default to
// Arch Components' IO pool which is also used for disk access
return LivePagedListBuilder(sourceFactory, pagedListConfig)
The issue is I'm not getting an update to the view after the first page is loaded.
I see this log from the onCreate():
Items updated []
but then after when the data source returns the items, I see these logs:
Page 1 loaded. Count 20.
Items: [Item(....)]
BUT I never see the view that's subscribing to the view model get an update to set the list on the adapter. If you are curiousI'm using a PagedListAdapter.
I had two mistakes...
I made those two adjustments and now everything is behaving as expected.