I have a dataset of people that "like" each other. I converted it to a graph.
g.likes <- graph_from_data_frame(dt.likes, directed = TRUE)
But I need to filter out the people that have liked each other. so only keep if A->B and B->A.
I don't seem to be able to find how I can do this.
Thank you in advance
IGRAPH 80b2ed9 DN-- 15060 2577550 --
+ attr: name (v/c), week (e/n)
+ edges from 80b2ed9 (vertex names):
[1] 4 ->75 217->68 217->72 217->127 221->68 221->72 221->127 217->9 258->89 258->4 217->69 258->293 309->193
[14] 309->268 323->396 274->396 274->193 381->36 381->396 381->4 381->17 381->101 381->193 515->490 262->396 480->527
[27] 451->421 451->484 451->301 262->407 262->480 262->96 262->217 262->490 262->314 262->28 262->473 262->193 262->281
[40] 262->642 262->172 262->409 262->582 262->289 262->558 262->303 262->280 262->627 262->635 262->138 262->364 262->565
[53] 262->550 262->543 262->535 262->609 262->411 262->574 262->566 262->102 262->618 262->581 262->408 262->419 262->584
[66] 262->89 262->467 262->594 262->580 262->226 262->575 262->472 262->569 262->557 262->532 262->525 262->445 262->382
[79] 262->540 262->511 262->529 262->66 262->486 262->510 262->516 262->48 262->503 262->504 262->454 262->488 262->506
[92] 262->495 262->416 262->497 262->494 262->499 262->496 262->492 262->493 262->484 262->392 262->336 262->485 262->204
There is a function for this: which_mutual
g.likes3 <- subgraph.edges(g.likes, eids = E(g.likes)[which_mutual(g.likes)], delete.vertices = F)