In ion-slide-box ionic
The first time I try to populate a slide-box using ng-repeats the slidebox pager doesn't show when the page is loaded, when trying to debug on chrome (desktop) and open the inspector, the slidebox gets fixed automatically.
Is there a way to force a reload of the slide-box after page load?
<ion-slide ion-slide-tab-label="Work Order Progress" class="form-bg">
<ion-scroll direction="y">
<div ng-if="pieMenuList.length > 0">
<div ui-sref="{{wopc.state}}({filter:'{{wopc.params}}'})" class="chart-color" ng-repeat="wopc in pieMenuList">
<div class="arrow_box" style="color: {{wopc.color}};background-color:currentColor">
<span style="color:#fff;">{{}}</span>
<span ng-bind="wopc.count" class="wo-count" style="background-color:{{wopc.color}};"></span>
For anyone, who still looking for the solution to this problem
In your controller inject ionSlideBoxDelegate
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionSlideBoxDelegate) {
//after populating your data in slide just call