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Spring Rabbit AMQP

I am trying to understand Spring RabbitMQ codes when RabbitMQ is configured in XML files. In the receiver xml file, I have

<rabbit:queue id="springQueue" name="spring.queue" auto-delete="true" durable="false"/>

<rabbit:queue name="springQueue" auto-delete="true" durable="false"/>

<rabbit:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory">
    <rabbit:listener queues="springQueue" ref="messageListener"/>

<bean id="messageListener" class="com.ndpar.spring.rabbitmq.MessageHandler"/>

<!-- Bindings -->

<rabbit:fanout-exchange name="amq.fanout">
        <rabbit:binding queue="springQueue"/>

My question is - To which queue is the exchange bound to?? springQueue or spring.queue ?? I mean to ask, in the tag - , is it referring to queue id or queue name ?? also in the tag , the attribute 'queues' refers to queue id or queue name?? Please help. I looked at the schemas (xsd) but couldn't get clarity. Please help.


  • queues (in the listener) and queue (in the binding) should refer to the queue id attribute.

    In the listener, you can use the queue name in the queue-names attribute but the binding always needs the id.