What's the reason of this recommendation? Why not keeping consistent with other programming languages which use underscore instead?
I think that LISP uses the hyphen for two reasons: "history" and "because you can".
LISP is an old language, and in the early days typing an underscore could be challenging. For example, the first terminal I used for LISP was an ASR-33 teletype. On some hosts and teletype models, the key sequence for the underscore character would be interpreted as a left-pointing arrow (the assignment operator in Smalltalk). Hyphens could be typed more reliably.
In LISP, there are no infix operators (well, few). So there is no ambiguity concerning whether x-1
means "x minus 1" or "x hyphen 1". The early pioneers liked the look of the hypen for multiword symbols (or were stuck on ASR-33s as well :).