I am trying to extend a functor in OCaml.
For example, assume the following functor X
module type X = functor (A : ModuleA) -> I with type t := A.t
I am trying to create a similar functor Y
that also accepts A : Module A
but returns an extended version of I
I am trying something like:
module type Y = functor (A : ModuleA) ->
include X(A)
val blah : A.t -> int
But I get a syntax error on this.
I am trying to extend the resulting signature from X
with more functions. Is this possible in OCaml? What am I doing wrong?
I guess my question is: why don't functors behave the same way for modules and module types?
The functor X
above returns a module type (or at least that's how I read that expression). If this expression is allowed, then why does OCaml forbid extending the resulting module type?
Unfortunately, to my knowledge this is not possible. You will have to do
module type Y = functor (A : ModuleA) ->
include I with type t := A.t
val blah : A.t -> int
Hopefully someone else can elaborate why the feature you were trying to use is not implemented. Possibly there is a good reason.
If you already have a module XX
of type X
(an instance), you can do
module type Y = functor (A : ModuleA) ->
include module type of XX(A)
val blah : A.t -> int