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How to get last updated Facebook ads

How do you only retrieve the "last" updated ads/adsets/campaigns from Facebook via the Ads API? I mean that I need to update on my database only those campaigns/adsets/ads that have changes, not all of them. I've found that a good technique is via facebook etag, but is there any other technique for this?


  • You can use the filtering parameter to filter campaigns, adsets and ads on the updated_time field.

    filtering=[{field: "<object>.updated_time", operator: "GREATER_THAN", value: <unix time>}]

    Using the most recent unix time you have saved of the objects you can get all the more recently updated objects. A full curl version to get all campaigns updated after 2018-02-01:

    curl -G \
    -d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
    -d 'filtering=[{field:"campaign.updated_time",operator:"GREATER_THAN",value:1517443200}]' \

    Note: I could only get unix time to work and have no idea if there is another format that is supported by the API