I am using primeng turbo table with lazy loading and enabled loading to attribute it's not getting updated even got updated
<p-table #dt [loading]="loader" [columns]="cols" [value]="datasource.merchants" [rows]="perPage" [paginator]="true" [pageLinks]="5"
[lazy]="true" [totalRecords]="datasource.totalCount" (onLazyLoad)="loadLazyData($event)" [exportFilename]="'merchant-list'">
loadLazyData(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
if (event.first !== this.searchParams.offset || event.rows !== this.searchParams.limit) {
this.loader = true;
this.searchParams.offset = event.first;
this.searchParams.limit = event.rows;
this.apiService.getResponse(this.smartSearchParams.query, event.first, event.rows)
.subscribe((result) => {
this.datasource = result;
let newArray = result.merchants.slice();
this.dataTable.value = newArray;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loader = false;
this.dataTable.loading = this.loader;
}, (err: any) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.loader = false;
this.dataTable.loading = this.loader;
can someone help me with this issue
The issue is with changeDetection
for the component.
I have removed the changeDetection:ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
from my component its started working