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pct_change and log returns differ from actual values

I'm working on a dataframe with prices. I find the returns calculated arithmetic or log are different than actual return between first price value and the last. As I see it they should be the same or differ by small fractions.

                       Open   Close    High     Low      Volume
2017-12-01 00:00:00  432.01  434.56  435.09  432.01  781.788110
2017-12-01 00:05:00  434.25  435.82  436.98  434.25  584.017105
2017-12-01 00:10:00  435.81  435.50  436.39  434.80  494.047392
2017-12-01 00:15:00  435.88  435.10  436.07  434.50  527.840340
2017-12-01 00:20:00  434.51  433.50  434.95  432.98  458.557971

                       Open   Close    High     Low       Volume
2017-12-21 23:40:00  781.41  781.01  783.46  778.12   792.433089
2017-12-21 23:45:00  779.60  784.76  784.90  778.20   657.316066
2017-12-21 23:50:00  784.83  783.42  784.90  782.22   473.108867
2017-12-21 23:55:00  783.40  786.98  787.00  782.62  1492.764405
2017-12-22 00:00:00  786.96  791.93  792.00  786.86  1745.559100

when calculating returns either by:


or using log returns:

np.log(dfset['Close'] / dfset['Close'].shift(1)).sum()

Actual overall return which I consider to be the correct one:

dfset['Close'].iloc[len(dfset) - 1] / dfset['Close'].iloc[0] - 1

Any ideas please why the arithmetic and log returns are off?

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  • I think that the 3 operations are quite different. I will take only the tail to show.

    In the first place:

    print( dfset['Close'].pct_change()) 
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004801
    2017-12-21   -0.001708
    2017-12-21    0.004544
    2017-12-22    0.006290
    Name: Close, dtype: float64

    is equivalent to do:

    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004801
    2017-12-21   -0.001708
    2017-12-21    0.004544
    2017-12-22    0.006290
    Name: Close, dtype: float64

    So their sums are equal:


    Then I don't see the point of:

    np.log(dfset['Close'] / dfset['Close'].shift(1))

    being equal to the pct_change.

    print(np.log(dfset['Close'] / dfset['Close'].shift(1)))
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004790
    2017-12-21   -0.001709
    2017-12-21    0.004534
    2017-12-22    0.006270
    Name: Close, dtype: float64

    The result is similar since there is no subtraction of 1 and no exponential. But this does not make it correct mathematically.

    Normally, to avoid divisions I would take logarithms and subtract them and then make the exponential back. In any case, to replicate pct_change:

    print(np.log((dfset['Close'] / dfset['Close'].shift(1))-1).apply(np.exp))
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004801
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004544
    2017-12-22    0.006290
    Name: Close, dtype: float64
    print((np.log(dfset['Close'].diff()) -  np.log(dfset['Close'].shift(1))).apply(np.exp))
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004801
    2017-12-21         NaN
    2017-12-21    0.004544
    2017-12-22    0.006290
    Name: Close, dtype: float64

    In any case, using logarithm will return NaN for negative values.

    So the sum of the elements is different to the use of pct_change:

    print((np.log(dfset['Close'].diff()) -  np.log(dfset['Close'].shift(1))).apply(np.exp).sum())

    Finally, the last one matches the first (note, instead of using .iloc[len(dfset) - 1] to find the last element, you can do .iloc[- 1] ):

    print(dfset['Close'].iloc[-1] / dfset['Close'].iloc[0] - 1)

    There is a difference in the 5th decimal between first approach and this one (of a 4% with respect to the first or in absolute terms 5.390295537921995e-05), but this differences may be due to precision issues happening in when storing floats.


    You explained in your comments that you want to plot the cumsum and that is what differs from the total change dfset['Close'].iloc[-1] / dfset['Close'].iloc[0] - 1.

    The reason behind is that the cumulative sum of percent change in the range of dates is not equal to the percent change between the first element and the last of the interval.

    To do so you have to use the compound interest, which is a formula to calculate the total increment when there are continuous changes between time steps. This way, using the csv from your comment you will match the change of between the first and last day by doing:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    enter image description here