I have an endpoint that returns data based on user selection. The user sends me these values : Name, ID, Age, Gender.
Then I use pymysql to query a table where Name = given name, for received ID and Gender.
But how do I get these values in python ?
@app.route('/userInfo', authorizer=authorizer)
def data():
params = app.current_request.query_params or json_body?
// get individual fields and assign to variables?
sql = "SELECT SurveyResult From UserInfo WHERE Name = %(name)s AND Gender = %(gender)s AND Age = %(age)s
And then
cursor.execute(sql, { 'name': ? , 'gender': ? , 'age': ?
input values here? })
What is the safest way to get request those values to the service ?
Assuming you are using flask, here is a way to get the params/post data
Note : you need to import request from flask import request
name = request.form['name']
name = request.args['name']
and then insert them
cursor.execute(sql, (name, gender, age))
remember to commit
To make your life easier, consider using an ORM such as peewee