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Ubuntu/MacOS cannot see RPLidar

I did all steps having the Manual of RPLidar of RPLidar, but Ubuntu and MacOS cannot connect to RPLidar and give some error like this:

Failed to connect to the sensor due to: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB0'

no one USBs shows when search in both of terminals. (ls /dev/tty*) Will be helpful some link or help. (Not master on Ubuntu and MacOS)

command ls /dev/

HAX             ptyw5
afsc_type5          ptyw6
auditpipe           ptyw7
auditsessions           ptyw8
autofs              ptyw9
autofs_control          ptywa
autofs_homedirmounter       ptywb
autofs_notrigger        ptywc
autofs_nowait           ptywd
bpf0                ptywe
bpf1                ptywf
bpf2                random
bpf3                rdisk0
console             rdisk0s1
cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port  rdisk0s2
disk0               rdisk0s3
disk0s1             rdisk1
disk0s2             rdisk2
disk0s3             rdisk2s1
disk1               sdt
disk2               stderr
disk2s1             stdin
dtrace              stdout
dtracehelper            systrace
fbt             tty
fd              tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
fsevents            ttyp0
io8log              ttyp1
io8logmt            ttyp2
io8logtemp          ttyp3
lockstat            ttyp4
machtrace           ttyp5
nsmb0               ttyp6
null                ttyp7
oslog               ttyp8 
oslog_stream            ttyp9
pf              ttypa
pfm             ttypb
pmCPU               ttypc
profile             ttypd
ptmx                ttype
ptyp0               ttypf
ptyp1               ttyq0


  • Its solved. I used the Parallel on Mac and when switch the USB, instead of need to "check to Ubuntu" as debugger on Ubuntu machine