I had to calculate the depth of a n-ary tree in OCaml using only functional paradigm whitout the use of external homemade function. Here's the struc :
type nTree =
Id of int
| Leaf of string
| Tree of string * string * nTree list
and here is my result :
let rec height t = match t with
| Id _ -> 0
| Leaf _ -> 0
| Tree(_,_,n) -> if n = [] then 1
else let e::r = n in max
(List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + height x) 1 [e])
(List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + height x) 1 r)
It work but I find it very ugly and the e::r
bit cause a warning because of not matching the []
Is there a way to make this warning free and "prettier" ?
bit causes a warning because of not matching the[]
You'd just use pattern matching instead of if
match n with
| [] -> 1
| e::r -> …
But actually there's no point in distinguishing these at all. You should be doing
let rec height = function
| Id _ -> 0
| Leaf _ -> 0
| Tree(_,_,n) -> 1 + List.fold_left max 0 (List.map height n)