I have a repository of Media objects in my Symfony app that contains a picture. (This picture was uploaded using the Sonata Media Bundle.) Using the following code in my controller ...
$images = $repository->findAll();
foreach ($images as $image) {
/* @var $image Media */
$urls = $image->getPublicUrls();
$output[] = [
'name' => $image->getName(),
'something' => $urls,
... results in an empty array where I had hoped to see at least one public-facing url.
What have I misconfigured?
I ended up doing the following:
$images = $repository->findAll();
/* @var $imageProvider ImageProvider */
$imageProvider = $this->get('sonata.media.provider.image');
foreach ($images as $image) {
/* @var $image Media */
$output[] = [
'name' => $image->getName(),
'url' => $imageProvider->generatePublicUrl($image, 'reference'),
This doesn't really answer my original question, but it achieves the goal that I was going for, in that it provides a publicly accessible url for my image.