So I read my shapefile easily:
then if I do head(shape,1) I get the following result:
An object of class "SpatialLinesDataFrame"
Slot "data":
0 1 X 05076 110468 38282
Slot "lines":
An object of class "Lines"
Slot "Lines":
An object of class "Line"
Slot "coords":
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1824583 547917.9
[2,] 1824544 547437.1
Slot "ID":
[1] "0"
Slot "bbox":
min max
x 1824543.9 1824583.4
y 547437.1 547917.9
Slot "proj4string":
CRS arguments: NA
So getting the data is easy, I just do shape$NAME and I get all the names from the data.
But I don't know how to access the place where it says Slot "coords" which is what I want to access... or for that matter, how do I access things that are not on the data slot?
In other words, i want to read the shapefile and end up with a variable equal to 1824583, which is the top left value of the coords slot matrix.
Anyone can help?
We can use @
to access the slots. Here I used the meuse
dataset as an example.
coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
# x y
# 1 181072 333611
# 2 181025 333558
# 3 181165 333537
# 4 181298 333484
# 5 181307 333330
# 6 181390 333260
meuse@coords[1, 1]
# [1] 181072