I have a xml file http://blog.brookfieldtx.com/rss.xml
and i would like to show the "Category" value with items. By default I only can show post title and discerption. but I need the category too.
this is the short code
[feedzy-rss feeds="http://blog.brookfieldtx.com/rss.xml"
max="3" feed_title="no" target="_blank" refresh="12_hours"
title="40" meta="yes" summary="yes"
summarylength="300" thumb="yes"
size="100" default="http://your-site/default-image.jpg"
You can do something like this, since you haven't specified the formatting for the category name in the question you can modify it to display how you want it to appear. Place this code in your functions.php file.
add_filter( 'feedzy_item_filter', 'add_feedzy_item_category', 20, 2 );
function add_feedzy_item_category( $itemArray, $item ) {
if ( $category = $item->get_category() )
if( $category->get_term() )
$itemArray['item_meta'] .= '<br><strong>Category: ' . $category->get_term() . '</strong>';
return $itemArray;