I'm currently develop GoogleMap page with react-google-maps
My code like following
class GoogleMapBox extends React.Component{
state = {
center : this.props.center,
places : []
mapMounted = ((ref) => {
this.map = ref;
getPlaces = (() => {
const center = this.map.getCenter();
if(this.map.getZoom() >= 15){
const bounds = this.map.getBounds();
const minLatLng = bounds.getSouthWest();
const maxLatLng = bounds.getNorthEast();
ajaxCall(/*apiUrl*/, {
minLat : minLatLng.lat(),
minLng : minLatLng.lng(),
maxLat : maxLatLng.lat(),
maxLng : maxLatLng.lng(),
.then((result) => {
places : result.list
} else {
places : []
return (
minZoom : 6,
maxZoom : 18
<MarkerClusterer onClick={this.openMultiWindow}>
{this.state.places.map((i) => (
<Marker key={i.id} position={{ lat : i.lat, lng : i.lng}} onClick={this.openWindow}/>
But unfortunately, It is very slow and sometimes it stop....
The reason I think is result quantity of api result.
in getPlaces
function return 100 ~ 2000 rows.
yeah... if ajax returns more than 500 rows, it might be very slow or stop.
But I have to show all of the result.
So how can I optimize this class?
I really don't know how to do...
This is sample result.. I have to show like this every time.
Please help me !!
I would suggest moving this code outside the render
<MarkerClusterer onClick={this.openMultiWindow}>
{this.state.places.map((i) => (
<Marker key={i.id} position={{ lat : i.lat, lng : i.lng}} onClick={this.openWindow}/>
Then create a component that returns null till you have finished looping the ajax resultset. So there will be 1 render for all the markers instead of 1 render for each marker added.
There is also an open issue that matches your scenario.
Performance issue dynamically adding many markers #495