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Is it possible to use CSS Counters To Increment The Rotation Of An Element

Is it possible to use the CSS Counter function to increment the rotation of an element? For every <li> element I would like to rotate it 2 degrees more than the last <li> element. I am attemping something like:

ul li:nth-of-type( 1n ) {
  counter-increment: rotation;
  transform: rotate( counter(rotation) + 1deg);

Is this possible to achieve using only CSS?


  • No.

    [Counter values] can be used with the ‘counter()’ and ‘counters()’ functions. ... [They] can be used by an author anywhere that accepts a <string>.

    CSS Lists Module Level 3

    And rotate() doesn't accept a <string>:

    ‘rotate()’ = rotate( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )

    CSS Transforms Module Level 1

    I thought maybe we could get around that with calc(), since it can be used in place of an <angle>, but

    Components of a calc() expression can be literal values or ‘attr()’ or ‘calc()’ expressions.

    CSS Values and Units Module Level 3

    No <string>s, so that still won't work.