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How to use the container Hugo version with One Click Netlify CMS example

In the Netlify CMS community chat, the question keeps coming up how to manage the Hugo version without a bin folder and executable.

The one-click-hugo-cms example is a deploy to generate a Hugo static site and use Netlify CMS to be able to add posts for the site.

The Issue: The site setup uses a bin folder to store the Hugo executable for simplicity, but the developer wants to use a different version of Hugo and keep it up to date without having to keep copying new executables to the Hugo bin folder.


  • The bin folder for Hugo is NOT required. Netlify manages a Hugo version install in the container based on the environment variable (HUGO_VERSION) when there is a build.

    Basically follow these steps:

    • Remove the bin folder and executable out of the project
    • Change the command to the bin path and call it globally
    • Let Netlify know what version you want to use in the netlify.toml

    Remove the bin path

    Edit this line

    const hugoBin = `./bin/hugo.${process.platform === "win32" ? "exe" : process.platform}`;

    to be

    const hugoBin = 'hugo';


      command = "yarn build"
      publish = "dist"
      YARN_VERSION = "1.3.2"
      HUGO_VERSION = "0.36.1"
      command = "yarn build-preview"
